After coming back from the evening milk today (25th aug) unni tells me that she has a plan. For us to go out on a boat trip to have our evening food (aka coffee or whatever hot drink rocks your boat plus bread). The sea was exceptionally calm tonight. Or as unni says ‘like the floor’. So it’s the best time to go out, coz it’s still and won’t kenna seasickness! Which I’m really afraid of. Which is kinda ironic isn’t it.
Unni packs the stuff in a cooler box. There’s hot coca, hot coffee, croissants, bread with cheese, some jam to go with it. And milk, if anyone wants. We wear our ‘rubber’ (read: boots) and walk towards where the boat is parked. The boat is a little one, seats about 6 people and has an engine at the back.

It was such a déjà vu feeling. First before heading out to sea in the boat. There is surely the bailing of water. We didn’t have a bailer, so Unni used the cover of the cooler box whilst Inge went searching for a makeshift one.

Then to get out. Backpaddle. Or do it Inge style. Use the shaft of the paddle to push off from the rocks. Both achieve the same purpose though.

Once at deep enough water. It’s time to start the engine.
Then there was some angry exchange of Norwegian words between Inge and Unni. The problem had come. The boat wouldn’t start. Cato was the last one to have used it. Desperate, Unni tries to call Cato. But no answer. So Inge continues fiddling with the boat. While I continue to sit and enjoy the scenery.
Shortly after Unni and I start paddling. Not really the dragonboat style, more like skulling style. We take one side each. Awwww such a nostalgic feeling, getting to paddle in the water again. Of course in true dragonboat style, I attempt to keep with Unni’s timing to maximize our efforts in getting the boat to move. But also in true dragonboat style, the timing is never spot on. After a few feeble attempts I heck it and just focus on paddling.
I thought that was our boat trip already. Us sitting in a boat, just 20m from the shore, sipping our hot drinks eating the bread. But somehow Inge got the boat to start. So yippie, we were on our way.
We head towards the golf course. Along the way it was nice to see Hov from a different angle. Pity we left home a little late, coz the sun had already set and it was beginning to get dark. But the sky was a pretty pink, so of course it called for tones of pictures!!

Nearing the golf place, Unni tries to call Frode to see if he wanted to join us but he had already left for home already, so we stop in the middle of the sea to have our evening food. Wha, like so got atmosphere hor. Sitting in a boat in the middle of the sea, with the sunset sky in front of us and the mountains behind us, sipping hot coca and eating cheese and bread.
After our evening food, Inge starts the boat again and we go towards the harbour, where the lighthouse is. It was getting dark dark by then. Soon after a casual conversation with another fellow seaman, we left for home.
When we got back to shore, Mitsy was nowhere to be seen. Mitsy is the super hyperactive cat. She’s always running around, killing mice in the garden and follows Unni whenever she goes out. She had followed us all the way to where the boat was. But we didn’t take her on board with us.

She didn’t come back the whole night. So the next day after cleaning the service I d to go hunt her down. Some of the campers said she had been there the whole night. So good thing, she was still alive and kicking. I went round the rocks to look for her and then one of the campers called out to me, they had found her. Yay!
So now all the animals are back in the house.