Thursday, August 10, 2006

Runaway rabbits

One of the rabbits ran out of its cage the other day. The kids tried to go after it, but to no avail. Damn. So then I had 3 goats, 12 rabbits and 1 rabbit on the loose.

After a stormy night, the next morning I find another rabbit gone. Her cage isn’t really a cage, but just a fenced up area for her to roam. Well apparently she managed to dig her way out, under the fence. All this while she’d always sit there quietly at the corner of her cage. Who would have known she was gonna pull a Shawshank-Redemption-stunt on me man. Damn, so then I had 3 goats, 11 rabbits and 2 rabbits on the loose.

The next 2 days, the runaway rabbits were spotted, but they were too fast for me to catch, so I decided if that was the way they wanted it, to be out in the wilderness with no food and water, that was the way it was gonna be.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, another morning I head to the animal pen and I find 3 more rabbits missing. So now I had 3 goats, 8 rabbits, 2 rabbits on the loose and 3 which had vanished. I thought I was so screwed. 5 days into my job and I had 5 rabbits missing. Thank goodness I later found out that the 3 missing rabbits were given away the night before. Heng ah. But I still had 2 runaways.

One morning the first runaway was spotted in the animal pen. Again it was too fast for me. Then whilst I was feeding the fluffy one I managed to grab hold of the runaway. I put it back in its cage which it shared with another rabbit and they immediately started fighting. Crazy rabbits, kicked over their food bowl and everything was all over the place. So then I find out that runaway was horny and started humping the other rabbit. Oh well whatever rocks his boat then.

Now I’ve got 3 goats, 8 rabbits, 1 horny rabbit and I’m still 1 rabbit short.
I’ve decided now that I prefer cleaning toilets. At least the toilet bowls don’t run away.
9 August: Tor Alfred caught the last runaway rabbit this morning. *YAY* so now, all the animals are where they should be!



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