Boat trip!
Trond rented a boat (you cen see it in the foreground in the pic below), the FAST kind from the guy who is the father-in-law of the guy whom they bought their car from (the guy who they bought their car from also happens to be the nephew of their landlord). Down here, everyone is related to someone… It’s a 25 seater boat. Just for the 5 of us. Bcc, trond, frode (trond’s brother), pl and I.

joke of the day: So high SO LOW
Fast boat means fast boat ok, max speed travels up to 140km/hr, with the wind in your hair and in your face. We had to wear special suits, which I guess helps to keep you dry as well as to break some of the wind. Thank goodness it was a good day, bright and sunny. The boat was very much more stable compared to the whale safari boat trip the day before where people were practically puking their guts out. At those kinds of speeds, the boat just skims across the water. The best seat was in the front. A solo seat, which we took turns sitting on. It’s like sitting at the front on the top of the double decker bus and getting to see the scenery unobstructed by others.
We ended the whole thing around 1am. But the sky was still clear and of course as usual the scenery was fantastic. With the mountains in the far far distance fading into the horizon. The sun was pretty low and the sky was in shades of pink and orange. Of course it was photo photo photo taking!!!!!!!!!
all you sad souls in sg.... DON'T BE JEALOUS!!!! whahahaha!
I think you should use these few months in drinky-drinky Norway to "train" your alcohol intake levels. Who knows, you might even be able to get to the point where you won't turn bright brick red after a measly 1/4 bowl of Holland V fishhead beehoon soup??!!!!
Our first stop was Skrova, this island is only accessible by boat and ferry (every few times a day), even Unni hasn't been on that island before. There is a big fish and whale factory on this island and the owner of this factory has a very cool 'Windy' cruiser boat that he uses to transport himself and family across to Svolvær whenever needed.
I read that the number of boat engines per population in Norway is the highest in the world, the second country is France and Norway has only 4.5 million people! Considering how short the boat season is, and how some summers (like this one has been mostly bad weather), unless you have loads of cash, owning a boat is not what most people can afford …. but good brands like 'Windy', and even these made in the 80s keep their value very well... and of course, on a beautiful day, when the midnight sun is up, to be able to go out to sea island hopping around Lofoten, THAT is really something special and unforgettable!
i am jealous lah... bleach....
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