Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A day in the life of F. Sam

My day starts around 10am. First gotta feed the 13 animals under my care. 10 rabbits and 3 goats. They all live in a cordoned off area. Goats roaming free and rabbits in cages. First thing is to feed the goats their milk. Since I’ve only got 2 hands, 1 of them’s gotta wait. Since goats know nuts about taking turns, I try to make sure that they do. Then it’s off inside where I feed the rabbits, give them their water and hay for them to eat.

the animal pen

the 3 goats. The oldest, Silly Billy No. 1 is the middle one. He's the big bully, always bullying the rest and trying to snatch their bottle of milk. Silly Billy No. 2 is the one on the left. Silly Billy No.3 on the right is the smallest. Always getting his head stuck in the fence and then we've got to get him out. He's always being bullied by the other 2, must be coz he's the smallest. He'd be shoved to the side when there's food by the other 2 and he always resigns to being pushed around by the other 2 he just quietly chews on some grass by the side. Bcc says he sure develop inferiority complex one. Hmmm, must find a way to make him more confident man!!

Then it’s off to breakfast in the house. Usually bread, cheese, ham, blah blah blah.

11 am and I’m off to the service. The facility which is used by the campers on the farm. Main job of mine is to make sure that the 4 toilets there are sparkling clean. Thank goodness ang mohs are pretty considerate. The toilets are usually left pretty clean and cleaning them is not too much a problem.

This is the camping ground. The service is the red house at the centre.

By 12 noon. It’s back to the house for more tea. The rest of the day involves doing odd jobs around the house. Cleaning the guest rooms on the farm. Pressing the sheets, picking berries, berry sorting blah blah blah. All the random stuff, which makes it interesting I guess since no two days are different.

sheets which i took one afternoon to press.

Soon I’d be working in the cow house too. Where the cows are milked. But it’d only be when after Filip (he’s from the Czech Republic and helps in the cow house) leaves. But for now, it’s just the goats, rabbits, toilets, sheets and berries.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unni has now given away some rabbits to some of the kids who have been camping here, Tor Alfred and Rebecca have also taken a little rabbit back with them home. remember, 3 boys came to ask Unni if they could walk the goats!!! 3 boys leh most of the time it is little girls who want to do that! Actually I think Unni had a lady guest from Oslo who asked if she could walk a goat as well! Everyone likes cute animals.
I think Mooi has pics of T.Alfred walking one of the silly billies!

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walking a goat!!!!
I am beside myself.

3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Farmer Sam should take the smallest one out on training with her.

3:40 AM  

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