Wednesday, September 06, 2006

DIE lah

So i parted with $38 from my already pretty anorexic bank account and signed up for the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2006. The concept of paying to torture yourself. It's something not everyone can fully comprehend, me neither. Well, i stayed in school for 5 years when most were dying to get out at 3, stretched the physical and mental limits in dgnbt for 4... self-inflicted torture apparently is what i do best man!

It's not the full marathon, just the half, coz unlike CL who's having a 2nd go at the full this year, i haven't got the balls to attempt it. maybe next year.

I haven't run since the last time i ran in dragonboat, and given the fact that cows and goats are running faster than i am. It only means one thing come 3rd Dec...

that i'd be crawling to the finish line and not look as jubilant as the picture of the woman above...

i should probably consider getting those wheelie shoes kids wear


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