Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mice deaths

I’ve seen quite a number of Norwegian mice to date. They are not like the big ugly rats that you see in the longkangs at the kopitiams, but small fur balls which look like hamsters with tails. So far I’ve seen only one live mouse. Scampering away in the cow house. Other than that, the others which I’ve seen have all been dead mice. But I’ve learnt, like us, mice do have options as to how they wish to die.

Death by drowning
As mentioned in my previous post on how I found 3 dead mice in the big tank of milk which is fed to the young calves. This method must be for the greedy mouse which fantasises about the sea of milk from which it can drink from.

Death gladiator style
This one’s more for the brave mouse. Face it off with the resident cat. Can choose from either Mitzy (brown) or Gråtas (grey).

For the spectator, it can be quite entertaining and gruesome as well. So not for the faint hearted. For those who like to cheer for the underdogs, maybe not for this duel though.

you can still see it's little tail...
ok, let's say it together... EWWWWW!!

Death IS style
IS’ patented paperbag way. Place a mousetrap in a paperbag and some peanut butter and a touch of vanilla essence as bait. More for the adventurous mouse which likes to venture into the dark unknown guided by the smell of sweet vanilla. Method results in easy disposal of dead mouse, so highly recommended.

Death traditional style
Then of course for the old stick in the mud mice, there’s the traditional wooden mousetrap with the bit of cheese

Well that's all the ideas for now.

More suggestions most welcome....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's only one thing to do with all your dead mice:

Sell them on the internets!!!

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:39 PM  

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