Thursday, September 21, 2006

That time of the month

Every month, Unni and Inge need to make a record of how much milk each cow produces as well as send a sample of milk from each cow to TINE, the dairy company they supply their milk to.
In order to find out how much milk each cow was giving, they attached a contraption to the milking machine which recorded the amount of milk that was passing through the pipes. Coz they only had 2 of those, only 2 milking machines were used instead of 3 for the morning milk. After the milking from each cow was done, the amount was recorded and a sample of the milk was put into a little container and labeled with the corresponding cow’s number.

When milking is done as a whole it’s not easy to see which cow is giving less than it should. But everything becomes apparent when it’s done one at a time. So there’s no cheating. Kinda like the dragonboat equivalent of the dreaded time trial. Unni tells me that some cows aren’t doing too well. Giving too little milk. If that’s the case. Then they’d be carted off to the slaughter house.

After all the milk samples are collected, it’s placed in a box and shelved into the fridge for the milkman to collect the day after.

as you can see, Unni loves her foil. Everything is covered in aluminium foil. Which can be tricky when you need to find something

Then TINE would send them the results of the milk test. Like what is the fat and protein percentage of the milk sample. Coz if there's too much of either, no good. Then something has to be done, perhaps alter the cow's diet. And all the results is sent via SMS! Fwah so high tech!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many litres of milk a cow must produce a day to avoid going to slaughter house?

4:58 PM  

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